Thursday 4 December 2008

Long Intervals...

Made it for a session of long intervals - 4 efforts of 1 mile each, with a rest in between each.

A bit disappointed. Pressed wrong button on stopwatch so didn't get a timing for first run, but the others were about 5:58 - 6:10. Last week I managed 5:40 - 5:52 throughout the session.

Was windy for the last part - a head wind. And also I suspect the old favourite - dehydration. But no excuses - that wasn't fast enough. Shame, after Monday's performance.

Wednesday 3 December 2008

Shock Absorbing Insoles - The Secret Weapon?

I'm still enjoying (???) and benefitting from the shock abosrbing insoles that I bought from a little while back. The shoes still feel as though they have plenty of life left in them and my recovery time after long runs is minimal. Definitely well worth the investment.

If I ever get around to buying a second set of running shoes (as opposed to replacing the current ones) a new pair of the insoles is definitely a must! Well worth the price - give them a go!

Monday 1 December 2008

Getting the log back on track

Training isn't going too badly, documenting it is!

Did the same run as about 3 weeks ago today. Or near enough. Added an extra corner to it, which increased the distance slightly. But it was a freezing day! Turned off the rough ground a little earlier to avoid the swamp like bit and the wind was so strong in my face, that I heade in land to avoid running along the beach. Gentler route, but I expect slightly further distance as I had to work over to rejoin the coast road later.

End result, well apart from drinking a lot less fluid, was 4½ minutes faster, at 2:20:30. Pleased with that - the whole run definitely felt a lot easier.

Plan for next week is to combine this route, missing the sanddunes, with another route, to build up the time. That way I should also build up to the required 21 miles...

Thursday 13 November 2008

'Gentle' Intervals

Couldn't get inspired for an interval session today - constant heavy drizzle that left me soaked probably brought on that mood. Felt I'd have been fine going off to do another long run!

Ran to the local aquatics shop to see if she had a fish in that we want. Fast out and then 30 : 30 intervals on the way back, jogging most of the rests as it was too cold and damp to walk all but a few.

Got around and did the session. Absolutely soaked at the end!

Tuesday 11 November 2008

The after effects...

Legs recovered surprisingly quickly yesterday. Still a bit tired a couple of hours later, but by 5:00, felt fine. Not sure I could have ran, but I'd forgotten completely about it by then.

Only problem is a slight occasional pain in my right instep. Feels like I've pulled something slightly on the rough ground. Never mind, wasn't intending to run today!

Monday 10 November 2008

A Marathon Long Run

Did the longest run I've done for ages today. Quite an interesting route and took far more of it off road than I intended to.

I headed down to the Coast Road and knew that there was a track at the side of it for a fair way, so followed the track rather than the path. Wound around all over the place. Eventually got to the beach, so ran along that for half a mile, until the tide meant I had to return to the road for another mile or so, before hitting yet another off road track.

Was absolutely finished off by the end of it - incapable of running! The amount of uneven surface was just too much for me, or at least I hope that's why I suffered as I did! If not, then why was I struggling before even half way?

I saw on a mapping tool that someone else has plotted almost exactly the course I took. I probably joined his route half a mile or more further into my run and where we split routes at the end it was near enough even, maybe a touch further for me. But his route measured straight along the Coast Road and totalled over 17 miles. Hopefully, by not following the straight route and zig zagging all along the route and my slightly longer start, I've done 18 - 19 miles. Hard to know exactly.

Either way, was out for 2 hours 25 exactly. That would be a touch over 8 mins / mile for 18 miles or 7:38 / mile for 19 miles. Slower than what I need for race day, but then I did have a few miles of sand dunes to contend with, followed by beach and dirt tracks.

Anyway, it's a starting point. If I try that route again in a month or so I'll be able to compare times.

Wednesday 5 November 2008

Charging through intervals.

Woke up feeling tired, but a few hours later when I got out for a run I felt really strong and powerful. Did my standard 10km training circuit, but doing 30 : 30 intervals. Managed the route in about 41 minutes, which is incredible for intervals!

The new insoles might be helping - either physically or mentally. It might be a placebo effect, but putting them in my current Asics has given them a new breath of life and they feel far more springy. Well recommended! Will certainly use them again.

Monday 3 November 2008

Back from holiday...

Back from holiday and if my guess is right, there's "just" 24 weeks and 6 days until the FLM. So, time to start training!

Of course, wasn't that simple. Had to time a long run with being back in time for a dentist appointment. Just wandered on the run, hitting about 8.5 miles in 57 / 58 minutes and was out exactly 2 hours. Should be easily 16 miles, possibly 17. Can't know exactly as the course I took used some interesting footpaths through dunes that I'd never discovered before.

Good fun, now got to continue the training and quicken the pace...

Thursday 23 October 2008

6 months and 3 days....

It looks like I have got the club place for next year's FLM, so hopefully I will be there anyway. 2 years' of rejects under my belt, so at worst I can then have a couple of years off then run it again!

That's far into the future, starting to plan the present now. Because of a week's holiday next week, training properly will start the first week of November. I ordered a pair of shock absorbing soles this afternoon from They may arrive in time to take them away for the holiday, may not. Anyway, will mention in the future how they feel!

Apart from that, and an easy week this week (well, I did race on Sunday and did do a moderately long run on Tuesday), I suppose it's time to think about the schedule. I'm expecting that if I don't rely heavily on large amounts of mileage, which doesn't tend to work for me, I'll cover around 1,000 miles running, 400 miles cycling and around 40 miles swimming. And that's not yet covered all of the weekly training sessions - still one to decide upon.

So, here goes. This time in 6 months and 3 days I'll be driving home. Hopefully, with a huge sub 3 hour smile on my face. If not, then only 3 more entries to rack up the 5 rejects!

Tuesday 21 October 2008

Training Must Be Better...

Was reading yesterday that 180 foot strikes per minute is the 'ideal' rate for my sort of pace. I counted 158 in a minute when I was out running today.

So, not only have I got to get into a decent routine of regular training runs, but I must also learn to run properly! Did try running at around the 180 per minute rate and it did feel good, got me out of breath. And that's something that doesn't happen often. I seem to run out of energy long before the breath runs out.

Theory is that 180 foot falls per minute is very economical, and my wife did comment at the weekend that I never look like I'm working hard as I'm taking less strides than those around me. I thought, at first, this was good. Now I'm thinking I've just got the pace wrong!

She also mentioned that my time hasn't improved in 5 years, well it did, but then dropped off. In part that's because I'm training and racing less. But I think I need to be more determined to crack that time.

Entered the Helsby race again for next year, planning what else to do to keep me inspired and training hard.

Sunday 19 October 2008

10k Race

Did a local 10k race. Tought it was going to eb easy - nice and flat. How wrong!

The race consisted of 1 mini lap then 2 full laps. Half way around the full lap the course veered off through mud, a field and finally over a sand dune. Nice, but I'd been pacing myself expecting pancake flat roads all of the way and to hit that (twice) came as a bit of a surprise.

Just missed out on the 40 minute mark - 40:04. Shame. I just don't think I've done enough running this year, either that or the age is suddenly showing...

Tuesday 7 October 2008

Great North Run

Personnally, a bit disappointed in my time - just over 1 hour 29. Had been training for 1:25. Shame is that I made the mistake on the start line!

Every previous year I have started on the right hand side of the motorway - behind the elites. This year, as I was walking up to that pen, I noticed that the one on the left had less than half the number of the right hand pen, so I was able to get within a few feet of the front, just behind the 'celebs'.

Big mistake! Crossed the line walking and continued to walk for 30 seconds, followed by a 1 minute gentle jog, then a while of skipping around hordes of faces I would never know in a million years, but are classed as 'celebs' for one reason or another. Once I got some space I was able to push to try to gain back some of the lost time.

Got to the end of the first (fast) mile, around a minute behind target. Could either go for broke and try to run equivalent to 1:24 the whole way, or ease off for sub 1:30. Decided on the go for broke, knowing that if it failed, I should still have enough left to ease down, with an even more comfortable time window.

Around mile 8 I could see that there was too much left to do. With the weather going warmer I could have done with drinking quite a bit, but I didn't. So eased off the rest of the way. Remember looking at my watch when I hit the sea road and had 8 and a half minutes to break the 90 minute mark. Thought I was well within that, forgetting, of course, that I hadn't reached the 12 mile point and there was the little matter of the .1 mile as well at the end. Still, made it.

Must get the hydration sorted. Seems that it's scuppering a few runs recently and I am noticing the difference in long training runs. I'll have to start taking drinks on the bike and drinking at race pace during training. Else, I was wondering if I would be better off once every 4 or 5 miles taking a 30 second walk to drink plenty of water?

If you ever ask yourself which side it is best to start the Great North Run on - don't pick behind the 'celebs' if you are in an early pen and likely to want to run past all but Nell McAndrew (who finished ahead on the road, but slightly behind in time). Her and a few others certainly deserve to run from the front - in fact she should probably qualify for the elite women's start? But the majority just cause a blockade and I did witness one or two shouting at fast runners for trying to get past them. Not the spirit of a race, really.

Friday 3 October 2008

Rejected, again

What a day! First the postman brought the rejection letter for the London Marathon and then I heard that the other guy I knew had entered from the club had been accepted. As far as I know, he's the only club member to have applied that's not so far had the club place.

Found out at least 2 other club members have also applied - but both have had the place before. Same boat as me (priority goes to people who have been rejected and not had the club place, then to those who have been rejected). Found out first one and then both of the others have been accepted.

So that's 3 out of 4 accepted. Now I have the long wait until I discover if anyone else in the club has also been rejected. If not, the club rules state the place is mine! Asking around and the other usual suspects to enter a marathon haven't applied this year. Fingers crossed tightly.

Wednesday 4 June 2008

Out after a week

Not made it out for a run for a week, but got back on the road today. No idea how far I went or how long I was out for - I was running 4 errands that needed me to visit different locations. Instead of driving, I decided it was easier to run!

I must have been out well over an hour, including stops as I talked to the various people I visited. But it was good fun.

Wednesday 28 May 2008

Back on the road...

For the first time since the Great Manchester Run, I got back out for a run. Last week I was recovering from whatever hit me just before the race and sulking because of the time, this week I didn't want to run on the Bank Holiday (too busy) - so I suspect that's continuing the sulk!

I wasn't going to run today, either, but I needed to pop out to the bank and the aquatics shop for a new pump. My wife is out for the day in the car so I was going to cycle, but it's wet and I couldn't face the bike ride! Eventually realised that a run was the best option.

Pleasant, although a bit slippery and at one point I caught the corner of the top piece of a concrete fence post in my left shoulder. A couple of hours later and it's still quite painful and cut. Why do people need to have concrete bits sticking out on top of those posts? It's not the first time I've managed to clip one as I'm running, and because it's a corner of the post they are very painful!

Also found out that 3 races that I wanted to do - Freckleton Half (too late - it's full), Crosby 10 and Penny Lane 10km are all on the same day - the day that my wife needs the car!

Should be able to get the train to Crosby, so looks like I'll be doing that. Shame about the other 2. After that it will be the Formby 10k - if I ever fill out the entry form.

Thursday 22 May 2008

A change of sport...

A break from the running this week, after the disappointment of the weekend's race. So instead I've gone back to the golf, which I haven't played since October! Was playing with a friend who's designed a new golf putter. He's designed a positive roll putter! Basically, it's supposed to give the ball a good bit of top spin when you strike it. Kindly he's given me my own putter to try out and feedback on.

I've managed quite a few holes with it and was finding that I was getting the right length more often. Just a shame my play was still very ropey! Took me a few holes to get back into the swing of things, but it does feel a decent putter. It's amazing how much different you feel using a 'proper' putter - worth more than the rest of the bag put together!

Sunday 18 May 2008

Great Manchester Run 2008

Well it was the day of the run today, and what a disappointment! Not in the organisation - just my performance. I started with a sore throat on Friday and it affected my drinking pattern this morning, which meant I was still drinking Lucozade. And I think that's what caused me to start with a stitch when I was doing well, about 3.5km out. It spread and got worse and didn't leave me until past 9km!

Seemed better organised this year than some previous years, either that or I was just happier as I got a start position near to the fron as I was there when the pens opened. The 'orange A' numbers were a watse of time. There was no mrshalling of the area, which filled up with all orange numbers within seconds. There was a guy in front on me with an A and I saw him finishing after around 75 minutes, and three girls who were escorted up from the elite area, also with Orange A numbers, all finished after him.

I did also notice, whilst watching finishers, one lady approaching the finish line with an orange number with a black cross on it - like they were doing last year after you collected your goody bags! I couldn't see any sign of a chip on her ankles and a couple also ran past without numbers and neither of them appeared to have chips. Maybe they were tucked under socks, or maybe they were just cheeky and joining in when they hadn't entered...

Weather was kind, just a pity I set a personal worst! Oh well, until 17th May next year and the Great Manchester Run 2009!

Tuesday 13 May 2008

Running feeling good - hopefully not too early!

Didn't run yesterday due to a family funeral, so went out today instead. It was going to be a long run, but with the summer still being here I only needed the excuse that it's the Great Manchester Run at the weekend and I opted instead for my standard 7 mile route - not even a drifting around aimlessly.

I did also think that a fixed route would be a good idea so that I could judge the pace I'm running at ready for the weekend. Drifting runs are excellent, but you don't know how well you are running. But When I noted my start time I got it wrong, else I ran a 3 minute mile! I don't think so somehow.

Guessing what tiem I actually started at, I probably did a good run. Felt really strong at the end and was running powerfully, with good long strides - felt as though I was flying. But then again, I was running with a slight tail wind, which had been in my face on the way out!

Wednesday 7 May 2008

Where did summer come from?

Where did this warm weather come from - not what was required on the day of a 2-hour run! Started off on the same route as last week's run, but tried to keep the pace slower. Completed forst 5 miles in same time, then along the beach I eased off a lot. Needed plenty of walking breaks and drinks to keep going.

Really nice to be out in the sun, but not when you are trying to complete a long run. Shouldn't complain - I should adjust to it very quickly, just not as quickly as going from cold to furnace weather!

Monday 5 May 2008

Bank Holiday, No Long Run

Well, you can't go off doing a 2 hour long run on a Bank Holiday when your family are at home and you are expecting a visitor.

So it became a pleasant 45 minute run - probably around 6.5 miles at a guess - although it was hard for the first few minutes (dehydrated) it soon levelled off and I quite enjoyed a good pace, running around nowhere in particular.

Tuesday 29 April 2008

The long runs get longer

Went out for a long run yesterday. Supposed to be 1:45 so I headed off to the beach and ran along the beach for 45 minutes. When I got to the point I was supposed to leave at and run home I realised I was 5 minutes too early - so I thought I'd run to the next exit.

Not a good idea. That little detour meant I was much further from home and the run lasted nearly 2 hours. At least the weather was dry and pleasant!

Friday 25 April 2008

The training is getting back on track

Well I seem to have got back into training well this week. Managed the usual long and 2 short runs, with an extra run thrown in for good measure - and that was an hour at a good pace.

Really finding the drifting aimlessly around rough tracks much easier to do mentally and my speed is lifting as a bonus. Definitely the way forward, although I do seem to have opted out of the speedwork.

Now I just need some cross training and plenty of time to build up. I've got the latter (at least a year for London or Edinburgh). How will it end?

Tuesday 22 April 2008

A lovely day for a run

I didn't realise it was so hot when I went out for a run. Fitted in an extra run - after waiting in all morning for a customer who obviously forgot to call me (again...).

Just did a wandering drift for 40 minutes. Quite a fast pace, but no idea how far as I made it up every time I got to another turn!

Good fun. Brings the fun back into running when you don't keep doing the same old routes, just because they are the ones that are measured...

Monday 21 April 2008

A lovelly day, for a rest.

After running on Saturday instead of today, it was almost disappointing to not get time to get out into the sun for at least a gentle mooch about...

I see that the FLM entries are back open again - but this time haven't filled up straight away. I was wondering if they are going to accept more people than usual as opening the ballot 4 months earlier and advertising it during the TV coverage of the event will probably mean more people entering and more accepted entires falling by the wayside.

The fact that 80,000 applied in the first 34 hours (last year about 90,000 applied over the whole ballot) shows that either the magazine was harder to find than I thought, or that there's a lot of apathy when it comes to applying. If the applications are put on a plate in front of people then there's a rush. If you need to find a magazine then there's less of a rush. Doesn't bode well for some of those people actually getting out and training!

Saturday 19 April 2008

An extra run

Not going to be able to manage the long run on Monday, so managed an 'extra' run today instead. About 95 minutes - with all but the lst 20 minutes off road. Real killer - along rough tracks and then the beach then sand dunes.

Eaten everything in sight since I got home - but then I did miss out on lunch!

Friday 18 April 2008

Going dowhill again...

Well, my new routine is out of the window! Less than a week. Yesterday we were going to visit some friends early evening, so didn't have time for a run in the day time and home to late for the weights. At least they offered to put us up for the Edinburgh Marathon if I do that next year.

Then today, instead of 4 by 4s, I ran to the fish shop to see what she's got in and plan the weekend's purchases.

At least I got a good distance in, even if there was a 10 / 15 minute rest in the middle. And as I ran across the field I should have done the intervals in, the wind was howling and my hands froze - that would not have been any fun at all!

Thursday 17 April 2008

120,000 people for 25,000 places!

I was reading some charity blurb that had been sent to me after my FLM application and I noticed that they asked runners to apply through the ballot and gave some 'interesting' information:

The entry system will only remain open until 120,000 applications have been received which is bound to generate even more competition for the 25,000 places to be allocated through the ballot in September.

So the 120,000 of us that will apply for the ballot are competing for 25,000 places in the FLM - slightly better than the 1 in 5 chance that I thought we had - but not much!

And the FLM ballot will be drawn in September, but we find out in October - which is to be expected as they have to do a print run of the magazine. For the FLM just gone, the cheques started clearing on 30th October and the rejection magazines arrived 26 November.

So that means that credit cards could be charged mid September - I'll be checking my credit card statement online daily!

Wednesday 16 April 2008

Back to intervals.....

Got back into the 4 by 4 intervals today - not done them properly since the summer. Only 1 or 2 since and they are a real teller on the fitness.

Went around the field clockwise for a change and stuck right to the outside, for the first couple of laps. The first lap took almost 4 minutes - in the summer it was down to 3:25 per lap. I've added abit of time on by running right around the edge, but it shows the difference in fitness!

Good thing was that with these sessions it only took a few weeks to get the fitness up well, so I'll stick at them instead of just plodding the streets! Not long now until the Great Manchester - want to be fit for that...

Tuesday 15 April 2008

FLM Entries Closed!

According to the London Marathon website:

"Due to an overwhelming response Phase 1 of the Flora London Marathon 2009 online entry ballot has now closed. The limit of 80,000 applicants was reached at 10pm on Monday 14 April.

"Phase 2 (the remaining 35,000 places in the online ballot and 5,000 paper ballot entries for runners who are unable to enter online) will open on Monday 21 April at 9am."

That's an amazing level of entries, given for the weekend's race "92,000 people originally applied to run in this year’s race, and approximately 45,791 applications were accepted."

I suspect that a lot of people have been inspired to enter by seeing it on the TV and being able to enter immediately. Maybe a lot just couldn't get hold of Marathon News each year - but it was easy to make it onto their mailing list.

I'll be intrigued to see how many make it to the start line next year.

Monday 14 April 2008

London Marathon 2009

After looking through a few charity sites last night, I found 2 possible dates for the London Marathon.

One said 1st April - not only early but also a Wednesday! The other sites agreed on 26th April - so it looks like that's the date. A week after the school Easter holidays.

My wife is hoping to book a skiing trip for Easter - well I suppose that would be during the taper! Not that I'm realistically likely to get in.

From the FLM website (incidentally, 2009 is the last Flora London Marathon, after that it will be a new title sponsor) 45,791 applications were accepted (from 92,000 entries received) with 35,000 plus registered at the expo.

Does that mean 10,000 deferals through to 2009? Even if only half can defer, that's still 1 in 9 places gone through as deferals. And then there's all of the 5 plus year rejections. There must be a few thousand of them. And then with all of the charity places, good for age, club places and 2nd chance bequeathers (1,000), I'm surprised that there are any ballot places left at all!

Sunday 13 April 2008

Something Stupid??

Well I've done a stupid thing - I've started the whole cycle off again - I've entered the ballot for next year's Flora London Marathon. No idea what day it's on yet - if it's over Easter and my wife really wants to go skiing still, then I'll be hoping for (another) rejection magazine.

I noticed that the forward date for the credit card charge ends 7th October - so around then I'll be watching for £28 to be debited from the account.

Feeling quite inspired - at the moment. But it's a year away; it's sunny and I'll probably be rejected in the ballot!

Thursday 10 April 2008

A run with a purpose

It's funny how you can suddenly feel more inspired to go out and run a slightly longer course - my latest additions to my fishtank have developed whitespot - so I wanted to speak to the person who's shop they came from and get the medications required.

On went the running clothes and out of the door went I! Inspired or what - pity the cause is an ill fish.

Wednesday 9 April 2008

It wasn't so bad...

Well I finally got back out for a run today. Kept the pace easy and steady - did about 7 miles in around 49 minutes. Not bad for running on the road as I don't stop the watch when I'm waiting to cross over - I see it as an advantage as it's time to catch my breath a little!

PhysioRoom, who I've mentioned before, have got a few offers on ahead of this weekend's London Marathon - might be worth a look.

Tuesday 8 April 2008

A Bit Of A Layoff...

My running of late has been a bit like this blog - forgotten about!

It's the London Marathon on Sunday, and applications open for next year at midday (thanks to the organisers for the reminder card!!!). So this blog has very quickly gone through a full cycle - from the first post (only last October) when I was days away from entering the London marathon; to finding out that cheques were clearing (for the last time) - but not mine; to getting the reject letter.

Well on Sunday it starts again - when I can once more enter the marathon. Maybe next year...

Thursday 6 March 2008

Running is So Cruel

Yesterday's training session went well - I was thundering along the pavement even at the end of the run. My striding felt perfect, the running was easy and the speed felt good.

But there was a slight twinge in my thigh and in today's run it was back. The running felt hard and difficult, there was no power in my legs and I fought every step.

Well, not quite, but that's how it seems looking back on it.

Monday 3 March 2008

Another Freebie!

And another offer this month from Ltd. This time, buy any Vulkan or Sorbothane item during March and get a FREE Vulkan Drinks Bottle worth £2.99.

This applies to:

Running Freebies

If you are thinking of buying products from the 1000 Mile range, then have a look at Ltd who are including a High Visibility Snap Band worth £4.99 absolutely FREE with orders of these products this month.

This includes many ranges:

1000 Mile

Thursday 28 February 2008

It's Ground To A Halt!

After almost a week of not running, got back out today and did one of my favourite interval sessions. But it was hard work!

The running seemed very slow and hard work and the intervals were much slower than my usual pace. I don't think it's the week off - maybe that's lost a few seconds. It must me just a general degradation in fitness for some reason. I suppose in the preceeding 3 weeks, I have had almost 2 weeks off, with just 3 runs in between the first week and the one just gone!

Serves me right! Need to get out running more often and maybe some cycling, if the better weather ever arrives!

Monday 25 February 2008

No Excuses!

It's very easy to make excuses as to why not to run - or exercise! I 'forgot' to do my weights this evening and it was too late when I remembered. I could have eaten my snack after doing the weights, but why???

Many people are the same. A friend has given up running (and possibly exercise) as his office has moved. This reduces the available lunchtime by a few minutes so it's 'not worth' going out? He could easily go out in the evening, once his baby is in bed. That's how my own reinvention of running started out.

I think that it's too easy with exercise to find excuses to stay in and not suffer the pain, the cold, the indignity! But once you venture out and get the run done, the feeling after it makes it well worth while!

Friday 22 February 2008

Great North Run Charity Places

It's just been brought to my attention that the NDCS still have some charity places remaining for the Great North Run.

I've tried to help these guys over the last couple of years by publicising their places and plenty of people have signed up through my efforts! Their minimum sponsorship is only £350, which is far better than some other events! And in applying for a charity place through the NDCS you are supporting the work they do with deaf children.

Especially for those who have never ran the race before, a charity place is a good starting point. They provide you with a running vest and training hints and tips up until race day. Plus, after the race you can visit their hospitality tent for a quick snack and a welcome back. And it's far easier to meet friends and family in the charity village after the run than in other places.

At least take a look at their website!

Compression Socks?

What is it with these long compression socks that people like Paula wear? I saw several people in the Helsby Half Marathon sporting these lovelly socks, but they aren't something I've ever considered.

Maybe I like my comfort too much, but a compression sock when I'm out doing a half marathon doesn't sound appealing. Let me know if you have tried them, but at the moment I'm just not convinced!

The idea behind them is that they squeeze the leg and help force blood back up to the heart. Does this work? I thought that your heart actually pumped blood less hard when running as it relied on the compression of the muscles to return the blood - this is supposed to be what causes fainting in the funnels at the end of the race.

So why do we needs compressions socks? Do they work - let me know your thoughts.

Thursday 21 February 2008

New Shoes

It's surprising when you buy new shoes how you can feel the spring in them. It's even more surprising how quickly this spring goes from the shoes.

A few weeks and those nice clean, shiny, spring shoes are filthy, falling apart and that spring you really enjoyed when you tried them on in the shop has gone flat.

Or is it just my running style? Do I destroy shoes that quickly? I did try a make with airpockets - several pairs over the course of a few years, and in every pair the left air pocket burst! The record was the second run, when I caught a pin on the path. But run on wet grass in shoes with a burst air pocket and everyone can here the air going in and out - quite a few comments in that race!

Wednesday 20 February 2008

It's cold

It's cold, but it's dry, and I'm managing to get out running in shorts - even in this weather! Plenty of funny looks as people drive past in their nicely air conditioned cars - checking the display for the outside temparature and seeing below zero!

I do find that I don't feel the cold out running - as long as the top half is protected! There were plenty of people out running today and I was not the only idiot in shorts, hat and gloves!

Tuesday 19 February 2008

New Shoes...

I bought myself a pair of new shoes a couple of weeks ago - just before I went on holiday. Took them with me, wondering whether I should save them and take an old pair as the cottage we were in was a mile along a farm track.

I needn't have worried! At this time of year there's not the time to get out in the evenings in places where street lighting is unheard of, and I'm not a morning person, so there's no way I was getting up at 6:00 on my holidays for a run!

So they returned, in pristine condition with the labels attached.

Monday 18 February 2008

Walk A Marathon???

It was in the paper today that if you walk the equivalent of a marathon per week, you can easily drop a couple of stone and keep the weight off.

This is easily the sort of mileage that I used to walk before I took up running, and explains why people even then said 'I was lucky' and that I could always eat anything in site without putting on weight.

It's not a hard target to achieve. It's less than 4 miles a day - at a steady pace this can easily be achieved in an hour. If you have a 10 minute walk each day to the bus or train, and the same to the office, then you are already a good way there. Just add in a lunchtime walk to complete the distance.

Thursday 31 January 2008

When Will Spring Be Here?

I'm really looking forward to the arrival of Spring and better running weather. Along with the pressures of work, it's any excuse in this weather to not go out running!

Mind you, with a gale and hail at the same time, is it really a safe day to go out for a run?

I never thought of myself as a summer runner - but I seem to be turning into one. Then it will be too hot to run!

Sunday 20 January 2008

Helsby Half Marathon - It's Done & Dusted!

helsby half marathon medal 2008Well, that's another Helsby half out of the way. 4 times in the last 5 years I've complete there and as always it's a nice medal to stand on the shelf.

The weather was kind to us. Rained until just before the start. Cleared up, slight drizzle towards the end and then a heavy shower when I was back in the club house, but other people out on the course seemed to miss that (there's a bit of a walk back to the club house from the finish).

Car parking was well organised. They put on a shuttle bus service from the local motorway services. The hills didn't seem as bad as last year - probably because knowing I had missed training through illness and still wasn't 100% I slowed down straight from the start. Finished in just under 1:34, according to my watch. Loads longer than my PB and last year's time, but I was aiming for 1:35 so that's good.

The school fields was muddy at the end, even with boards down to walk across. Fell sorry for the caretaker tomorrow...

Good race, well worth doing and no doubt I'll be back next year. Now to decide what's next...

Thursday 17 January 2008

Great Manchester Run

I accidentally found out today that the Great Manchester Run is accepting entries. Given that this has filled up quickly in previous years this was rather fortuitous. Being a member of the Great Run Club, I did think that I would be given priority entry and told a couple of days before the race opened, like in past years. Maybe this year that priviledge is no longer included, or maybe the mailing list was created before this year's entries were included.

I also noticed at the same time that the Great North Run will be accepting 52,000 entrants this year! That's going to be one busy run that day. I'm sure my first Great North Run only had 36,000 entries, or there abouts.

Well, that's 3 future races entered now. I suppose training had better step up!

Wednesday 16 January 2008

Final London Marathon Chance

My wife showed me a competition in this week's TV Times. The prize was something like one of 5 places to run with the TV Times team in the London Marathon. Only 2 questions - (1) why do you deserve a place and (2) how much can you raise & how (looks like 3 questions...).

It would appear that it's a competition for Gold Bond places. Doesn't say whether it's out of the hat, most deserving answers or the 5 people promising to raise the most.

It is the team I've ran for in the last 3 Great North Runs and you do get good support. Not sure who I will run for next time - fancy something other than a bright yellow t-shirt.

Thursday 10 January 2008

It's Hard To Be Inspired...

I'm finding it very hard to get inspired for running, which isn't good when I'm supposed to be ready for next week's Helsby Half Marathon. Nothing about the race - just the weather and illness bringing be down.

I think this is going to be my slowest Helsby race yet - I'm wondering if I won't even break the 90 minute mark! The same thing happened last year, but after the Helsby race. One of the reasons I started this blog was to help me to maintain focus, but that seems to have drifted off anyway. Or maybe I'm turning into a summer runner!

Saturday 5 January 2008

Quiet Start To 2008

With the Helsby Half Marathon only 2 weeks away, I really must get down to serious training this week and make sure my eating and more importantly my drinking is correct. That was brought home to me this week.

Because of the end of the school holidays my running has been thrown around a bit and I ended up not running Wednesday, but Thursday then Friday.

Thursday's run was really good - strong and fast. In the evening I felt a little dehydrated and was still dehydrated by Friday lunch when I went out for my run (one of those days when for 2 hours I'm saying 'going in 5 minutes'...). And that run was really hard work!

Over Christmas a few runs have suffered the same way. I really must concentrate on getting that water down me to help my running!