Tuesday 21 October 2008

Training Must Be Better...

Was reading yesterday that 180 foot strikes per minute is the 'ideal' rate for my sort of pace. I counted 158 in a minute when I was out running today.

So, not only have I got to get into a decent routine of regular training runs, but I must also learn to run properly! Did try running at around the 180 per minute rate and it did feel good, got me out of breath. And that's something that doesn't happen often. I seem to run out of energy long before the breath runs out.

Theory is that 180 foot falls per minute is very economical, and my wife did comment at the weekend that I never look like I'm working hard as I'm taking less strides than those around me. I thought, at first, this was good. Now I'm thinking I've just got the pace wrong!

She also mentioned that my time hasn't improved in 5 years, well it did, but then dropped off. In part that's because I'm training and racing less. But I think I need to be more determined to crack that time.

Entered the Helsby race again for next year, planning what else to do to keep me inspired and training hard.

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