Monday 1 December 2008

Getting the log back on track

Training isn't going too badly, documenting it is!

Did the same run as about 3 weeks ago today. Or near enough. Added an extra corner to it, which increased the distance slightly. But it was a freezing day! Turned off the rough ground a little earlier to avoid the swamp like bit and the wind was so strong in my face, that I heade in land to avoid running along the beach. Gentler route, but I expect slightly further distance as I had to work over to rejoin the coast road later.

End result, well apart from drinking a lot less fluid, was 4½ minutes faster, at 2:20:30. Pleased with that - the whole run definitely felt a lot easier.

Plan for next week is to combine this route, missing the sanddunes, with another route, to build up the time. That way I should also build up to the required 21 miles...

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