Monday 14 April 2008

London Marathon 2009

After looking through a few charity sites last night, I found 2 possible dates for the London Marathon.

One said 1st April - not only early but also a Wednesday! The other sites agreed on 26th April - so it looks like that's the date. A week after the school Easter holidays.

My wife is hoping to book a skiing trip for Easter - well I suppose that would be during the taper! Not that I'm realistically likely to get in.

From the FLM website (incidentally, 2009 is the last Flora London Marathon, after that it will be a new title sponsor) 45,791 applications were accepted (from 92,000 entries received) with 35,000 plus registered at the expo.

Does that mean 10,000 deferals through to 2009? Even if only half can defer, that's still 1 in 9 places gone through as deferals. And then there's all of the 5 plus year rejections. There must be a few thousand of them. And then with all of the charity places, good for age, club places and 2nd chance bequeathers (1,000), I'm surprised that there are any ballot places left at all!

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