Tuesday 29 April 2008

The long runs get longer

Went out for a long run yesterday. Supposed to be 1:45 so I headed off to the beach and ran along the beach for 45 minutes. When I got to the point I was supposed to leave at and run home I realised I was 5 minutes too early - so I thought I'd run to the next exit.

Not a good idea. That little detour meant I was much further from home and the run lasted nearly 2 hours. At least the weather was dry and pleasant!

Friday 25 April 2008

The training is getting back on track

Well I seem to have got back into training well this week. Managed the usual long and 2 short runs, with an extra run thrown in for good measure - and that was an hour at a good pace.

Really finding the drifting aimlessly around rough tracks much easier to do mentally and my speed is lifting as a bonus. Definitely the way forward, although I do seem to have opted out of the speedwork.

Now I just need some cross training and plenty of time to build up. I've got the latter (at least a year for London or Edinburgh). How will it end?

Tuesday 22 April 2008

A lovely day for a run

I didn't realise it was so hot when I went out for a run. Fitted in an extra run - after waiting in all morning for a customer who obviously forgot to call me (again...).

Just did a wandering drift for 40 minutes. Quite a fast pace, but no idea how far as I made it up every time I got to another turn!

Good fun. Brings the fun back into running when you don't keep doing the same old routes, just because they are the ones that are measured...

Monday 21 April 2008

A lovelly day, for a rest.

After running on Saturday instead of today, it was almost disappointing to not get time to get out into the sun for at least a gentle mooch about...

I see that the FLM entries are back open again - but this time haven't filled up straight away. I was wondering if they are going to accept more people than usual as opening the ballot 4 months earlier and advertising it during the TV coverage of the event will probably mean more people entering and more accepted entires falling by the wayside.

The fact that 80,000 applied in the first 34 hours (last year about 90,000 applied over the whole ballot) shows that either the magazine was harder to find than I thought, or that there's a lot of apathy when it comes to applying. If the applications are put on a plate in front of people then there's a rush. If you need to find a magazine then there's less of a rush. Doesn't bode well for some of those people actually getting out and training!

Saturday 19 April 2008

An extra run

Not going to be able to manage the long run on Monday, so managed an 'extra' run today instead. About 95 minutes - with all but the lst 20 minutes off road. Real killer - along rough tracks and then the beach then sand dunes.

Eaten everything in sight since I got home - but then I did miss out on lunch!

Friday 18 April 2008

Going dowhill again...

Well, my new routine is out of the window! Less than a week. Yesterday we were going to visit some friends early evening, so didn't have time for a run in the day time and home to late for the weights. At least they offered to put us up for the Edinburgh Marathon if I do that next year.

Then today, instead of 4 by 4s, I ran to the fish shop to see what she's got in and plan the weekend's purchases.

At least I got a good distance in, even if there was a 10 / 15 minute rest in the middle. And as I ran across the field I should have done the intervals in, the wind was howling and my hands froze - that would not have been any fun at all!

Thursday 17 April 2008

120,000 people for 25,000 places!

I was reading some charity blurb that had been sent to me after my FLM application and I noticed that they asked runners to apply through the ballot and gave some 'interesting' information:

The entry system will only remain open until 120,000 applications have been received which is bound to generate even more competition for the 25,000 places to be allocated through the ballot in September.

So the 120,000 of us that will apply for the ballot are competing for 25,000 places in the FLM - slightly better than the 1 in 5 chance that I thought we had - but not much!

And the FLM ballot will be drawn in September, but we find out in October - which is to be expected as they have to do a print run of the magazine. For the FLM just gone, the cheques started clearing on 30th October and the rejection magazines arrived 26 November.

So that means that credit cards could be charged mid September - I'll be checking my credit card statement online daily!

Wednesday 16 April 2008

Back to intervals.....

Got back into the 4 by 4 intervals today - not done them properly since the summer. Only 1 or 2 since and they are a real teller on the fitness.

Went around the field clockwise for a change and stuck right to the outside, for the first couple of laps. The first lap took almost 4 minutes - in the summer it was down to 3:25 per lap. I've added abit of time on by running right around the edge, but it shows the difference in fitness!

Good thing was that with these sessions it only took a few weeks to get the fitness up well, so I'll stick at them instead of just plodding the streets! Not long now until the Great Manchester - want to be fit for that...

Tuesday 15 April 2008

FLM Entries Closed!

According to the London Marathon website:

"Due to an overwhelming response Phase 1 of the Flora London Marathon 2009 online entry ballot has now closed. The limit of 80,000 applicants was reached at 10pm on Monday 14 April.

"Phase 2 (the remaining 35,000 places in the online ballot and 5,000 paper ballot entries for runners who are unable to enter online) will open on Monday 21 April at 9am."

That's an amazing level of entries, given for the weekend's race "92,000 people originally applied to run in this year’s race, and approximately 45,791 applications were accepted."

I suspect that a lot of people have been inspired to enter by seeing it on the TV and being able to enter immediately. Maybe a lot just couldn't get hold of Marathon News each year - but it was easy to make it onto their mailing list.

I'll be intrigued to see how many make it to the start line next year.

Monday 14 April 2008

London Marathon 2009

After looking through a few charity sites last night, I found 2 possible dates for the London Marathon.

One said 1st April - not only early but also a Wednesday! The other sites agreed on 26th April - so it looks like that's the date. A week after the school Easter holidays.

My wife is hoping to book a skiing trip for Easter - well I suppose that would be during the taper! Not that I'm realistically likely to get in.

From the FLM website (incidentally, 2009 is the last Flora London Marathon, after that it will be a new title sponsor) 45,791 applications were accepted (from 92,000 entries received) with 35,000 plus registered at the expo.

Does that mean 10,000 deferals through to 2009? Even if only half can defer, that's still 1 in 9 places gone through as deferals. And then there's all of the 5 plus year rejections. There must be a few thousand of them. And then with all of the charity places, good for age, club places and 2nd chance bequeathers (1,000), I'm surprised that there are any ballot places left at all!

Sunday 13 April 2008

Something Stupid??

Well I've done a stupid thing - I've started the whole cycle off again - I've entered the ballot for next year's Flora London Marathon. No idea what day it's on yet - if it's over Easter and my wife really wants to go skiing still, then I'll be hoping for (another) rejection magazine.

I noticed that the forward date for the credit card charge ends 7th October - so around then I'll be watching for £28 to be debited from the account.

Feeling quite inspired - at the moment. But it's a year away; it's sunny and I'll probably be rejected in the ballot!

Thursday 10 April 2008

A run with a purpose

It's funny how you can suddenly feel more inspired to go out and run a slightly longer course - my latest additions to my fishtank have developed whitespot - so I wanted to speak to the person who's shop they came from and get the medications required.

On went the running clothes and out of the door went I! Inspired or what - pity the cause is an ill fish.

Wednesday 9 April 2008

It wasn't so bad...

Well I finally got back out for a run today. Kept the pace easy and steady - did about 7 miles in around 49 minutes. Not bad for running on the road as I don't stop the watch when I'm waiting to cross over - I see it as an advantage as it's time to catch my breath a little!

PhysioRoom, who I've mentioned before, have got a few offers on ahead of this weekend's London Marathon - might be worth a look.

Tuesday 8 April 2008

A Bit Of A Layoff...

My running of late has been a bit like this blog - forgotten about!

It's the London Marathon on Sunday, and applications open for next year at midday (thanks to the organisers for the reminder card!!!). So this blog has very quickly gone through a full cycle - from the first post (only last October) when I was days away from entering the London marathon; to finding out that cheques were clearing (for the last time) - but not mine; to getting the reject letter.

Well on Sunday it starts again - when I can once more enter the marathon. Maybe next year...