Thursday 23 October 2008

6 months and 3 days....

It looks like I have got the club place for next year's FLM, so hopefully I will be there anyway. 2 years' of rejects under my belt, so at worst I can then have a couple of years off then run it again!

That's far into the future, starting to plan the present now. Because of a week's holiday next week, training properly will start the first week of November. I ordered a pair of shock absorbing soles this afternoon from They may arrive in time to take them away for the holiday, may not. Anyway, will mention in the future how they feel!

Apart from that, and an easy week this week (well, I did race on Sunday and did do a moderately long run on Tuesday), I suppose it's time to think about the schedule. I'm expecting that if I don't rely heavily on large amounts of mileage, which doesn't tend to work for me, I'll cover around 1,000 miles running, 400 miles cycling and around 40 miles swimming. And that's not yet covered all of the weekly training sessions - still one to decide upon.

So, here goes. This time in 6 months and 3 days I'll be driving home. Hopefully, with a huge sub 3 hour smile on my face. If not, then only 3 more entries to rack up the 5 rejects!

Tuesday 21 October 2008

Training Must Be Better...

Was reading yesterday that 180 foot strikes per minute is the 'ideal' rate for my sort of pace. I counted 158 in a minute when I was out running today.

So, not only have I got to get into a decent routine of regular training runs, but I must also learn to run properly! Did try running at around the 180 per minute rate and it did feel good, got me out of breath. And that's something that doesn't happen often. I seem to run out of energy long before the breath runs out.

Theory is that 180 foot falls per minute is very economical, and my wife did comment at the weekend that I never look like I'm working hard as I'm taking less strides than those around me. I thought, at first, this was good. Now I'm thinking I've just got the pace wrong!

She also mentioned that my time hasn't improved in 5 years, well it did, but then dropped off. In part that's because I'm training and racing less. But I think I need to be more determined to crack that time.

Entered the Helsby race again for next year, planning what else to do to keep me inspired and training hard.

Sunday 19 October 2008

10k Race

Did a local 10k race. Tought it was going to eb easy - nice and flat. How wrong!

The race consisted of 1 mini lap then 2 full laps. Half way around the full lap the course veered off through mud, a field and finally over a sand dune. Nice, but I'd been pacing myself expecting pancake flat roads all of the way and to hit that (twice) came as a bit of a surprise.

Just missed out on the 40 minute mark - 40:04. Shame. I just don't think I've done enough running this year, either that or the age is suddenly showing...

Tuesday 7 October 2008

Great North Run

Personnally, a bit disappointed in my time - just over 1 hour 29. Had been training for 1:25. Shame is that I made the mistake on the start line!

Every previous year I have started on the right hand side of the motorway - behind the elites. This year, as I was walking up to that pen, I noticed that the one on the left had less than half the number of the right hand pen, so I was able to get within a few feet of the front, just behind the 'celebs'.

Big mistake! Crossed the line walking and continued to walk for 30 seconds, followed by a 1 minute gentle jog, then a while of skipping around hordes of faces I would never know in a million years, but are classed as 'celebs' for one reason or another. Once I got some space I was able to push to try to gain back some of the lost time.

Got to the end of the first (fast) mile, around a minute behind target. Could either go for broke and try to run equivalent to 1:24 the whole way, or ease off for sub 1:30. Decided on the go for broke, knowing that if it failed, I should still have enough left to ease down, with an even more comfortable time window.

Around mile 8 I could see that there was too much left to do. With the weather going warmer I could have done with drinking quite a bit, but I didn't. So eased off the rest of the way. Remember looking at my watch when I hit the sea road and had 8 and a half minutes to break the 90 minute mark. Thought I was well within that, forgetting, of course, that I hadn't reached the 12 mile point and there was the little matter of the .1 mile as well at the end. Still, made it.

Must get the hydration sorted. Seems that it's scuppering a few runs recently and I am noticing the difference in long training runs. I'll have to start taking drinks on the bike and drinking at race pace during training. Else, I was wondering if I would be better off once every 4 or 5 miles taking a 30 second walk to drink plenty of water?

If you ever ask yourself which side it is best to start the Great North Run on - don't pick behind the 'celebs' if you are in an early pen and likely to want to run past all but Nell McAndrew (who finished ahead on the road, but slightly behind in time). Her and a few others certainly deserve to run from the front - in fact she should probably qualify for the elite women's start? But the majority just cause a blockade and I did witness one or two shouting at fast runners for trying to get past them. Not the spirit of a race, really.

Friday 3 October 2008

Rejected, again

What a day! First the postman brought the rejection letter for the London Marathon and then I heard that the other guy I knew had entered from the club had been accepted. As far as I know, he's the only club member to have applied that's not so far had the club place.

Found out at least 2 other club members have also applied - but both have had the place before. Same boat as me (priority goes to people who have been rejected and not had the club place, then to those who have been rejected). Found out first one and then both of the others have been accepted.

So that's 3 out of 4 accepted. Now I have the long wait until I discover if anyone else in the club has also been rejected. If not, the club rules state the place is mine! Asking around and the other usual suspects to enter a marathon haven't applied this year. Fingers crossed tightly.