Wednesday 28 May 2008

Back on the road...

For the first time since the Great Manchester Run, I got back out for a run. Last week I was recovering from whatever hit me just before the race and sulking because of the time, this week I didn't want to run on the Bank Holiday (too busy) - so I suspect that's continuing the sulk!

I wasn't going to run today, either, but I needed to pop out to the bank and the aquatics shop for a new pump. My wife is out for the day in the car so I was going to cycle, but it's wet and I couldn't face the bike ride! Eventually realised that a run was the best option.

Pleasant, although a bit slippery and at one point I caught the corner of the top piece of a concrete fence post in my left shoulder. A couple of hours later and it's still quite painful and cut. Why do people need to have concrete bits sticking out on top of those posts? It's not the first time I've managed to clip one as I'm running, and because it's a corner of the post they are very painful!

Also found out that 3 races that I wanted to do - Freckleton Half (too late - it's full), Crosby 10 and Penny Lane 10km are all on the same day - the day that my wife needs the car!

Should be able to get the train to Crosby, so looks like I'll be doing that. Shame about the other 2. After that it will be the Formby 10k - if I ever fill out the entry form.

Thursday 22 May 2008

A change of sport...

A break from the running this week, after the disappointment of the weekend's race. So instead I've gone back to the golf, which I haven't played since October! Was playing with a friend who's designed a new golf putter. He's designed a positive roll putter! Basically, it's supposed to give the ball a good bit of top spin when you strike it. Kindly he's given me my own putter to try out and feedback on.

I've managed quite a few holes with it and was finding that I was getting the right length more often. Just a shame my play was still very ropey! Took me a few holes to get back into the swing of things, but it does feel a decent putter. It's amazing how much different you feel using a 'proper' putter - worth more than the rest of the bag put together!

Sunday 18 May 2008

Great Manchester Run 2008

Well it was the day of the run today, and what a disappointment! Not in the organisation - just my performance. I started with a sore throat on Friday and it affected my drinking pattern this morning, which meant I was still drinking Lucozade. And I think that's what caused me to start with a stitch when I was doing well, about 3.5km out. It spread and got worse and didn't leave me until past 9km!

Seemed better organised this year than some previous years, either that or I was just happier as I got a start position near to the fron as I was there when the pens opened. The 'orange A' numbers were a watse of time. There was no mrshalling of the area, which filled up with all orange numbers within seconds. There was a guy in front on me with an A and I saw him finishing after around 75 minutes, and three girls who were escorted up from the elite area, also with Orange A numbers, all finished after him.

I did also notice, whilst watching finishers, one lady approaching the finish line with an orange number with a black cross on it - like they were doing last year after you collected your goody bags! I couldn't see any sign of a chip on her ankles and a couple also ran past without numbers and neither of them appeared to have chips. Maybe they were tucked under socks, or maybe they were just cheeky and joining in when they hadn't entered...

Weather was kind, just a pity I set a personal worst! Oh well, until 17th May next year and the Great Manchester Run 2009!

Tuesday 13 May 2008

Running feeling good - hopefully not too early!

Didn't run yesterday due to a family funeral, so went out today instead. It was going to be a long run, but with the summer still being here I only needed the excuse that it's the Great Manchester Run at the weekend and I opted instead for my standard 7 mile route - not even a drifting around aimlessly.

I did also think that a fixed route would be a good idea so that I could judge the pace I'm running at ready for the weekend. Drifting runs are excellent, but you don't know how well you are running. But When I noted my start time I got it wrong, else I ran a 3 minute mile! I don't think so somehow.

Guessing what tiem I actually started at, I probably did a good run. Felt really strong at the end and was running powerfully, with good long strides - felt as though I was flying. But then again, I was running with a slight tail wind, which had been in my face on the way out!

Wednesday 7 May 2008

Where did summer come from?

Where did this warm weather come from - not what was required on the day of a 2-hour run! Started off on the same route as last week's run, but tried to keep the pace slower. Completed forst 5 miles in same time, then along the beach I eased off a lot. Needed plenty of walking breaks and drinks to keep going.

Really nice to be out in the sun, but not when you are trying to complete a long run. Shouldn't complain - I should adjust to it very quickly, just not as quickly as going from cold to furnace weather!

Monday 5 May 2008

Bank Holiday, No Long Run

Well, you can't go off doing a 2 hour long run on a Bank Holiday when your family are at home and you are expecting a visitor.

So it became a pleasant 45 minute run - probably around 6.5 miles at a guess - although it was hard for the first few minutes (dehydrated) it soon levelled off and I quite enjoyed a good pace, running around nowhere in particular.