Thursday 28 February 2008

It's Ground To A Halt!

After almost a week of not running, got back out today and did one of my favourite interval sessions. But it was hard work!

The running seemed very slow and hard work and the intervals were much slower than my usual pace. I don't think it's the week off - maybe that's lost a few seconds. It must me just a general degradation in fitness for some reason. I suppose in the preceeding 3 weeks, I have had almost 2 weeks off, with just 3 runs in between the first week and the one just gone!

Serves me right! Need to get out running more often and maybe some cycling, if the better weather ever arrives!

Monday 25 February 2008

No Excuses!

It's very easy to make excuses as to why not to run - or exercise! I 'forgot' to do my weights this evening and it was too late when I remembered. I could have eaten my snack after doing the weights, but why???

Many people are the same. A friend has given up running (and possibly exercise) as his office has moved. This reduces the available lunchtime by a few minutes so it's 'not worth' going out? He could easily go out in the evening, once his baby is in bed. That's how my own reinvention of running started out.

I think that it's too easy with exercise to find excuses to stay in and not suffer the pain, the cold, the indignity! But once you venture out and get the run done, the feeling after it makes it well worth while!

Friday 22 February 2008

Great North Run Charity Places

It's just been brought to my attention that the NDCS still have some charity places remaining for the Great North Run.

I've tried to help these guys over the last couple of years by publicising their places and plenty of people have signed up through my efforts! Their minimum sponsorship is only £350, which is far better than some other events! And in applying for a charity place through the NDCS you are supporting the work they do with deaf children.

Especially for those who have never ran the race before, a charity place is a good starting point. They provide you with a running vest and training hints and tips up until race day. Plus, after the race you can visit their hospitality tent for a quick snack and a welcome back. And it's far easier to meet friends and family in the charity village after the run than in other places.

At least take a look at their website!

Compression Socks?

What is it with these long compression socks that people like Paula wear? I saw several people in the Helsby Half Marathon sporting these lovelly socks, but they aren't something I've ever considered.

Maybe I like my comfort too much, but a compression sock when I'm out doing a half marathon doesn't sound appealing. Let me know if you have tried them, but at the moment I'm just not convinced!

The idea behind them is that they squeeze the leg and help force blood back up to the heart. Does this work? I thought that your heart actually pumped blood less hard when running as it relied on the compression of the muscles to return the blood - this is supposed to be what causes fainting in the funnels at the end of the race.

So why do we needs compressions socks? Do they work - let me know your thoughts.

Thursday 21 February 2008

New Shoes

It's surprising when you buy new shoes how you can feel the spring in them. It's even more surprising how quickly this spring goes from the shoes.

A few weeks and those nice clean, shiny, spring shoes are filthy, falling apart and that spring you really enjoyed when you tried them on in the shop has gone flat.

Or is it just my running style? Do I destroy shoes that quickly? I did try a make with airpockets - several pairs over the course of a few years, and in every pair the left air pocket burst! The record was the second run, when I caught a pin on the path. But run on wet grass in shoes with a burst air pocket and everyone can here the air going in and out - quite a few comments in that race!

Wednesday 20 February 2008

It's cold

It's cold, but it's dry, and I'm managing to get out running in shorts - even in this weather! Plenty of funny looks as people drive past in their nicely air conditioned cars - checking the display for the outside temparature and seeing below zero!

I do find that I don't feel the cold out running - as long as the top half is protected! There were plenty of people out running today and I was not the only idiot in shorts, hat and gloves!

Tuesday 19 February 2008

New Shoes...

I bought myself a pair of new shoes a couple of weeks ago - just before I went on holiday. Took them with me, wondering whether I should save them and take an old pair as the cottage we were in was a mile along a farm track.

I needn't have worried! At this time of year there's not the time to get out in the evenings in places where street lighting is unheard of, and I'm not a morning person, so there's no way I was getting up at 6:00 on my holidays for a run!

So they returned, in pristine condition with the labels attached.

Monday 18 February 2008

Walk A Marathon???

It was in the paper today that if you walk the equivalent of a marathon per week, you can easily drop a couple of stone and keep the weight off.

This is easily the sort of mileage that I used to walk before I took up running, and explains why people even then said 'I was lucky' and that I could always eat anything in site without putting on weight.

It's not a hard target to achieve. It's less than 4 miles a day - at a steady pace this can easily be achieved in an hour. If you have a 10 minute walk each day to the bus or train, and the same to the office, then you are already a good way there. Just add in a lunchtime walk to complete the distance.