Thursday 13 November 2008

'Gentle' Intervals

Couldn't get inspired for an interval session today - constant heavy drizzle that left me soaked probably brought on that mood. Felt I'd have been fine going off to do another long run!

Ran to the local aquatics shop to see if she had a fish in that we want. Fast out and then 30 : 30 intervals on the way back, jogging most of the rests as it was too cold and damp to walk all but a few.

Got around and did the session. Absolutely soaked at the end!

Tuesday 11 November 2008

The after effects...

Legs recovered surprisingly quickly yesterday. Still a bit tired a couple of hours later, but by 5:00, felt fine. Not sure I could have ran, but I'd forgotten completely about it by then.

Only problem is a slight occasional pain in my right instep. Feels like I've pulled something slightly on the rough ground. Never mind, wasn't intending to run today!

Monday 10 November 2008

A Marathon Long Run

Did the longest run I've done for ages today. Quite an interesting route and took far more of it off road than I intended to.

I headed down to the Coast Road and knew that there was a track at the side of it for a fair way, so followed the track rather than the path. Wound around all over the place. Eventually got to the beach, so ran along that for half a mile, until the tide meant I had to return to the road for another mile or so, before hitting yet another off road track.

Was absolutely finished off by the end of it - incapable of running! The amount of uneven surface was just too much for me, or at least I hope that's why I suffered as I did! If not, then why was I struggling before even half way?

I saw on a mapping tool that someone else has plotted almost exactly the course I took. I probably joined his route half a mile or more further into my run and where we split routes at the end it was near enough even, maybe a touch further for me. But his route measured straight along the Coast Road and totalled over 17 miles. Hopefully, by not following the straight route and zig zagging all along the route and my slightly longer start, I've done 18 - 19 miles. Hard to know exactly.

Either way, was out for 2 hours 25 exactly. That would be a touch over 8 mins / mile for 18 miles or 7:38 / mile for 19 miles. Slower than what I need for race day, but then I did have a few miles of sand dunes to contend with, followed by beach and dirt tracks.

Anyway, it's a starting point. If I try that route again in a month or so I'll be able to compare times.

Wednesday 5 November 2008

Charging through intervals.

Woke up feeling tired, but a few hours later when I got out for a run I felt really strong and powerful. Did my standard 10km training circuit, but doing 30 : 30 intervals. Managed the route in about 41 minutes, which is incredible for intervals!

The new insoles might be helping - either physically or mentally. It might be a placebo effect, but putting them in my current Asics has given them a new breath of life and they feel far more springy. Well recommended! Will certainly use them again.

Monday 3 November 2008

Back from holiday...

Back from holiday and if my guess is right, there's "just" 24 weeks and 6 days until the FLM. So, time to start training!

Of course, wasn't that simple. Had to time a long run with being back in time for a dentist appointment. Just wandered on the run, hitting about 8.5 miles in 57 / 58 minutes and was out exactly 2 hours. Should be easily 16 miles, possibly 17. Can't know exactly as the course I took used some interesting footpaths through dunes that I'd never discovered before.

Good fun, now got to continue the training and quicken the pace...