Sunday 9 December 2007

Helsby - 42 days and counting

Just 42 days until the Helsby half - 4 weeks of training, less taper time. I really must get back into the training but listening to the gale outside it just isn't appealing. Work load is getting in the way of my being keen to get out - I've just looked at the list of emails in ready for tomorrow. And I've not done a long run for ages - and it wasn't long enough.

I'll have to decide in the next week or two (definitely by Christmas) whether I am marathoning next year and then build up a decent race schedule one way or the other. Not heard yet from the Great North Run people yet, so don't know what the situation is with entries there and whether they are repeating the Great Run club. So might not even be running there next year.

Not easy to get inspired... Roll on the warmer weather, some 10k races and inspiration.

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