Thursday 4 December 2008

Long Intervals...

Made it for a session of long intervals - 4 efforts of 1 mile each, with a rest in between each.

A bit disappointed. Pressed wrong button on stopwatch so didn't get a timing for first run, but the others were about 5:58 - 6:10. Last week I managed 5:40 - 5:52 throughout the session.

Was windy for the last part - a head wind. And also I suspect the old favourite - dehydration. But no excuses - that wasn't fast enough. Shame, after Monday's performance.

Wednesday 3 December 2008

Shock Absorbing Insoles - The Secret Weapon?

I'm still enjoying (???) and benefitting from the shock abosrbing insoles that I bought from a little while back. The shoes still feel as though they have plenty of life left in them and my recovery time after long runs is minimal. Definitely well worth the investment.

If I ever get around to buying a second set of running shoes (as opposed to replacing the current ones) a new pair of the insoles is definitely a must! Well worth the price - give them a go!

Monday 1 December 2008

Getting the log back on track

Training isn't going too badly, documenting it is!

Did the same run as about 3 weeks ago today. Or near enough. Added an extra corner to it, which increased the distance slightly. But it was a freezing day! Turned off the rough ground a little earlier to avoid the swamp like bit and the wind was so strong in my face, that I heade in land to avoid running along the beach. Gentler route, but I expect slightly further distance as I had to work over to rejoin the coast road later.

End result, well apart from drinking a lot less fluid, was 4½ minutes faster, at 2:20:30. Pleased with that - the whole run definitely felt a lot easier.

Plan for next week is to combine this route, missing the sanddunes, with another route, to build up the time. That way I should also build up to the required 21 miles...